
"1. "Is there evidence God exists?"
Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear
proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this
Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the
ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to
use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in
fact, exist.
Miracles of prophets and messengers of Allah have come to people through the
ages. Moses, peace be upon him, showed many miracles to......"
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Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear
proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this
Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the
ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to
use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in
fact, exist.
Miracles of prophets and messengers of Allah have come to people through the
ages. Moses, peace be upon him, showed many miracles to......"
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