Muhammad The Messenger of God

Muhammad, The Messenger of God
When talking about Prophet Muhammad, one should keep in mind that he is talking about the greatest individual in histo-ry. This is not a baseless claim; for the one who reads his biog-raphy and learns of his mannerisms and ethics, while keeping aside all preconceived notions, would certainly reach this con-clusion. Some fair and just non-Muslims have reached this con-clusion as well.
The late Professor Hasan Ali, may God have mercy on him, said in his magazine ‘Noor al-Islam’ that a Brahmin colleague of his once told him: “I recognize and believe that the Messenger of Islam is the greatest and most mature man in history.” Profes-sor Hasan Ali, may God have mercy on him, asked him: “Why do you consider him as the greatest and most mature man?” He replied:
No man possessed the characteristics, mannerisms and ethics that he possessed at one time. He was a king under whom the entire peninsula was unified; yet he was humble. He believed that the dominion belonged to his God alone.
Great riches would come to him, and yet he lived in a state of poverty; fire would not be lit in his house for many days, and he would stay hungry. He was a great leader; he led small numbers into battle against thousands, and yet he would de-cisively defeat them. He loved peace agreements and would agree to them with a firm heart, even though he had thou-sands of his brave and courageous Companions by his side. Each Companion was very brave and could confront a thou-sand enemies alone, while not feeling the least bit intimidat-ed. Yet, the Prophet was kind-hearted, merciful, and did not want to shed a drop of blood. He was deeply concerned about the affairs of the Arabian Peninsula, yet he did not neglect the affairs of his family, household, or the poor and needy. He was keen to disseminate Islam amongst those who had gone astray. In general, he was a man concerned with the better-ment and wellbeing of mankind, yet he did not indulge in amassing worldly fortune. He busied himself with the wor-ship of God and loved doings deeds which pleased Him. He never avenged himself on account of personal reasons. He even prayed for his enemies’ wellbeing, and would warn them of the punishment of God.
He was an ascetic regarding worldly affairs and would wor-ship God throughout the night. He was the brave and .....
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The late Professor Hasan Ali, may God have mercy on him, said in his magazine ‘Noor al-Islam’ that a Brahmin colleague of his once told him: “I recognize and believe that the Messenger of Islam is the greatest and most mature man in history.” Profes-sor Hasan Ali, may God have mercy on him, asked him: “Why do you consider him as the greatest and most mature man?” He replied:
No man possessed the characteristics, mannerisms and ethics that he possessed at one time. He was a king under whom the entire peninsula was unified; yet he was humble. He believed that the dominion belonged to his God alone.
Great riches would come to him, and yet he lived in a state of poverty; fire would not be lit in his house for many days, and he would stay hungry. He was a great leader; he led small numbers into battle against thousands, and yet he would de-cisively defeat them. He loved peace agreements and would agree to them with a firm heart, even though he had thou-sands of his brave and courageous Companions by his side. Each Companion was very brave and could confront a thou-sand enemies alone, while not feeling the least bit intimidat-ed. Yet, the Prophet was kind-hearted, merciful, and did not want to shed a drop of blood. He was deeply concerned about the affairs of the Arabian Peninsula, yet he did not neglect the affairs of his family, household, or the poor and needy. He was keen to disseminate Islam amongst those who had gone astray. In general, he was a man concerned with the better-ment and wellbeing of mankind, yet he did not indulge in amassing worldly fortune. He busied himself with the wor-ship of God and loved doings deeds which pleased Him. He never avenged himself on account of personal reasons. He even prayed for his enemies’ wellbeing, and would warn them of the punishment of God.
He was an ascetic regarding worldly affairs and would wor-ship God throughout the night. He was the brave and .....
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