Women in Islam

Women in Islam
This book deals with the following questions and issues:
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This book deals with the following questions and issues:
- The state of women through the ages: women in the pre-Islamic Arab society; Indian society; Chinese society; Greek society; Roman society; traditional Jewish society; traditional Christian society; and modern secular society.
- Matters in which Men and Women are equal in Islam: in basic humanity; in application of obligations; in rewards and punishments in this worldly life and the hereafter; in ownership and the freedom of financial transaction; in preserving the honor and nobility; in mandatory education; and in bearing responsibility towards reforming the society.
- Women’s status and rights in various stages of life in the Muslim society: as a baby, child and young girl; as a sister; as a wife; as a mother; as kinsfolk and neighbor, and as a woman in general.
- Misconceptions about women’s rights and obligations in Islam and their refutation: on polygyny; on leadership and responsibility; on the marriage Contract and guardianship; on wife discipline; on honor killing; on divorce; on testimony; on inheritance; on blood money; on employment; and on Hijab (covering head and face).
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