How Does One Become a Muslim?
In order to become a Muslim, there are no specific religious rituals or customs that you need to perform, either in specific areas or in the company of others. This is
because, in Islam, a person has a direct relationship with his Lord without any intermediaries.
By simply believing and declaring that there is only one God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, one thereby becomes Muslim. Upon making this statement sincerely, every sin in someone›s life up to that point is forgiven.
God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Except for those who repent, believe GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS The Key To Understanding Islam 247 and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (25:70) You begin life again as a Muslim, one who submits to the will of God.
As for non-Muslims who have accepted Islam, they will be given their reward in double, due to their belief in their messengers as well as their belief in Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Allah says: “Those to whom We gave the Scripture before it – they are believers in it. And when it is recited to them, they say, ‘We have believed in it; indeed, it is the truth from our Lord. Indeed we were, [even] before it, Muslims [submitting to Allah].’ Those will be given their reward twice for what they patiently endured and [because] they avert evil through good, and from what We have provided them they spend.” (28:5254-)
In addition to this, Allah effaces all the sins they did before accepting Islam. The Key To Understanding Islam 248 The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Islam effaces all [the sins one did] before it.” (Muslim).
Source: and also read the whole nice book.
What are the requirements of a Non-Muslim who wishes to convert?
Every person is born a Muslim because we are all created by God. Therefore, a preferred term would be reversion rather than conversion. A non-Muslim becomes a Muslim when he believes in his heart : "There is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger" Hence, belief in the Unity and Oneness of God and that Muhammad is his Messenger makes one a Muslim at heart. Recommended steps:
Officially convert by pronouncing the shahadah (pledge of conviction of faith) in Arabic thus: "Ash Hadu Allaa Ilaaha Il-lallaah Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasullulah" which means "I bear Witness that there is no deity but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad if His Messenger". The pledge is to be taken in front of at least two adult Muslim witnesses.
It is recommended (encouraged) that he/she take a Muslim name
It is recommended that he/she take up a basic course on Islam (if he/she hasn't already) and keep the company of other Muslims
Is it compulsory for a Non-Muslim man to be circumcised upon conversion?
A boy who has not attained puberty must be circumcised when his family converts to Islam. Circumcision is optional for a man above the age of puberty. But he who opts not to be circumcised should regularly clean the area underneath the foreskin of his penis because, in Islam, cleanliness of the body is obligatory for performing prayers.
Why is adopting a Muslim name so important upon conversion?
Two important reasons are given below, but otherwise, adopting a Muslim name is not necessary.
For the sake of identification as a Muslim
When a Muslim wants to enter Makkah and Madinah to perform Hajj or Umrah, he has to produce documents to show that he is a Muslim as Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter these cities.
Can reverts retain their previous names?
Yes he/she certainly can do so. Here are examples of names of people who have converted:
Hassan Guy Eaton previously known as Guy Eaton, Ruke Aldeen Smith, Aisha Gouverneur, Abdel Rashid Skinner, Ahmed Holt, Murad Aldeen, Ibrahim Hewitt, Ahmad Bullock, Ahmed Thomson, Jodi Anway, Mohammadzadeh, Susan Elsayyad, Jamilah Kolocotronis Jitmoud
How Long Does it Take for a Convert to be a full-fledged Muslim?
A person becomes a Muslim upon pronouncing the shahadah in front of two adult Muslim witnesses. A Muslim has to do the daily prayers, fast in Ramadan and apply the teachings of Islam in his daily life. But if a revert is unable to do all the prayers immediately after his conversion, he should try to do those he could. However, he should aim to be a practicing Muslim as soon as possible in order not to miss out in the race to accumulate blessings.
In order to become a Muslim, there are no specific religious rituals or customs that you need to perform, either in specific areas or in the company of others. This is
because, in Islam, a person has a direct relationship with his Lord without any intermediaries.
By simply believing and declaring that there is only one God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, one thereby becomes Muslim. Upon making this statement sincerely, every sin in someone›s life up to that point is forgiven.
God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Except for those who repent, believe GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS The Key To Understanding Islam 247 and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (25:70) You begin life again as a Muslim, one who submits to the will of God.
As for non-Muslims who have accepted Islam, they will be given their reward in double, due to their belief in their messengers as well as their belief in Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Allah says: “Those to whom We gave the Scripture before it – they are believers in it. And when it is recited to them, they say, ‘We have believed in it; indeed, it is the truth from our Lord. Indeed we were, [even] before it, Muslims [submitting to Allah].’ Those will be given their reward twice for what they patiently endured and [because] they avert evil through good, and from what We have provided them they spend.” (28:5254-)
In addition to this, Allah effaces all the sins they did before accepting Islam. The Key To Understanding Islam 248 The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Islam effaces all [the sins one did] before it.” (Muslim).
Source: and also read the whole nice book.
What are the requirements of a Non-Muslim who wishes to convert?
Every person is born a Muslim because we are all created by God. Therefore, a preferred term would be reversion rather than conversion. A non-Muslim becomes a Muslim when he believes in his heart : "There is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger" Hence, belief in the Unity and Oneness of God and that Muhammad is his Messenger makes one a Muslim at heart. Recommended steps:
Officially convert by pronouncing the shahadah (pledge of conviction of faith) in Arabic thus: "Ash Hadu Allaa Ilaaha Il-lallaah Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasullulah" which means "I bear Witness that there is no deity but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad if His Messenger". The pledge is to be taken in front of at least two adult Muslim witnesses.
It is recommended (encouraged) that he/she take a Muslim name
It is recommended that he/she take up a basic course on Islam (if he/she hasn't already) and keep the company of other Muslims
Is it compulsory for a Non-Muslim man to be circumcised upon conversion?
A boy who has not attained puberty must be circumcised when his family converts to Islam. Circumcision is optional for a man above the age of puberty. But he who opts not to be circumcised should regularly clean the area underneath the foreskin of his penis because, in Islam, cleanliness of the body is obligatory for performing prayers.
Why is adopting a Muslim name so important upon conversion?
Two important reasons are given below, but otherwise, adopting a Muslim name is not necessary.
For the sake of identification as a Muslim
When a Muslim wants to enter Makkah and Madinah to perform Hajj or Umrah, he has to produce documents to show that he is a Muslim as Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter these cities.
Can reverts retain their previous names?
Yes he/she certainly can do so. Here are examples of names of people who have converted:
Hassan Guy Eaton previously known as Guy Eaton, Ruke Aldeen Smith, Aisha Gouverneur, Abdel Rashid Skinner, Ahmed Holt, Murad Aldeen, Ibrahim Hewitt, Ahmad Bullock, Ahmed Thomson, Jodi Anway, Mohammadzadeh, Susan Elsayyad, Jamilah Kolocotronis Jitmoud
How Long Does it Take for a Convert to be a full-fledged Muslim?
A person becomes a Muslim upon pronouncing the shahadah in front of two adult Muslim witnesses. A Muslim has to do the daily prayers, fast in Ramadan and apply the teachings of Islam in his daily life. But if a revert is unable to do all the prayers immediately after his conversion, he should try to do those he could. However, he should aim to be a practicing Muslim as soon as possible in order not to miss out in the race to accumulate blessings.